Exclusive Singles Whatsapp Group (For Baptised Christians)

Are you one of those single christians who just want to cut to the chase?

Or is that cut the chase?

For whichever reason, if you just prefer to have a number to call, text, or whatsapp, and talk to another baptised christian single who is serious about marriage, then your search could be at an end.

At J A Singles, we try our best to find various ways to help people with different likings to connect in the way most comfortable to them. Hence we daily create new ways for you to date, base on a preference of yours that we identify.

Ready to whatsapp other single christians?


Signup & Pay the End Each Month Subscription of £25

Exclusive Singles Whatsapp Group Beneficiary

Bob (Jamaica): "I really love what J A Singles are doing especially in this season to help those especially that feel as if they are left out or hope is gone, to give them a true second chance at a godly marriage".